If You Feel Like Throwing Your Fist Towards The Sky -or- You Are Being Made Unhappy and Lied To By The Mass Media and Should Read This

Who shot JFK? Magic bullet? CIA?
Is Elvis still alive? His name is misspelled on his gravestone.
Who killed Biggie Smalls?
Was Tupac assassinated or is he still alive making records?
The National Security Agency is at least twice as large as the CIA and we have no idea what it is they really do.
Hoffa’s body?
Here’s a conspiracy theory for you:
Mass Media Moguls are controlling the world.
At the very least, the state of ethics in journalism and the influence and manipulation dispensed by mass media and advertising outlets for corporate dynamos is so great that it threatens to, if not already has, destroy all honest institutions of democracy, religion, politics, free discourse, healthy living, art, life, love, and the pursuit of happiness.
I’ve been doing some independent research on the matter by way of living in such a world and being a semi-thoughtful person within this world who has some sense of moral fiber (although many might classify it as some sort of moral microfiber, which is still fiber, though weaker, and soft and pleasing to the touch). Here are some scenarios, worth some thought.
The Conspiracy Against the Female:
The powers that be want you depressed, with low self-esteem, hyper-dependent, high-maintenance, shallow, needy, weak, and as unhappy with your life and where you are at at any given moment in life as possible. Turn on the TV. Open up that magazine that is made to define what it means to be a woman, a teen woman, a home woman, a cosmopolitan woman, a beautiful woman, a motherhood woman, etc. Women have a set of ideas about who they are and how they should be dictated to them from Mass Media. Take for instance this scenario—a teenage girl opens a magazine that is geared toward helping guide her through life as a Teen Person. With every page she turns she confronts images of air-brushed beauties, all art and little truth. With every page she turns she is made to feel uglier and fatter and less in-fashion and less acceptable. Once the deconstruction of self-worth is complete, products are offered in order to help you look more like the pictures. You should buy these products and buy into these consumeristic attitudes so you can give yourself a fighting chance at beauty. And you better buy a lot of them, because you have a long way to go. So women frantically buy and frantically try to become an image that is not real or achievable and in pursuit of which serious mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical consequences occur. And somebody gets paid. Somebody gets a bigger yacht. You throw up in the toilet. Somebody buys a tenth sportscar. You can’t let anybody ever get close enough to you to make you happy because you can’t even love yourself. Somebody else joins the mile-high club with a stewardess with low-self esteem on a private jet to the Bahamas.
The Conspiracy Against Free Discourse and Democratic Politics
Andrew Jackson got elected on popularity and so began the slippery slope from free political thought and discourse as the thrust of democratic politics down to the soundbyte, shiny-toothed, flashiest smile, best-photo-op political system now in operation. He who is best looking runs the world. He who has the best ideas gets filtered out of politics early on for not adhering to a two-party system or picking a side on a line. Ideas don’t matter anymore. Just the battle of manipulated soundbytes and misrepresented images. Who knows what are political leaders really think? If you want office, you must play the game and have corporate sponsorship. In order to play the game and have corporate sponsorship, you must compromise your convictions and beliefs and adopt the party-line. It is a known fact that many voters vote o who looks the best. George Washington had wooden teeth and a rat-tail, he wouldn’t have been elected mayor of such-and-such Virginia much less President in today’s political system. Abraham Lincoln was tall and gawky, had jowls, and some sick looking facial hair, he would never have been elected either. Personally, I’m writing in a vote for the local manger of HEB for the next president because I don’t trust any of these movie stars.
The Conspiracy Against African Americans
You are told to look and sound as mainstream as possible, as Eurocentric and white as possible, and you can go far in our world. At the very least, do not be abrasive and be our token black friend that we can refer to in order to convince people that we are not fear-driven, difference-driven, stereotype-adopting, racists. The Mass Media provides young blacks with some other options: entertain the mainstream culture. Play sports, dance, sing, and do the same things to serve the mainstream culture that you’ve been doing since the despicable days of slavery and black-face entertainment. The more we can objectify you as merely entertainment, the less we have to consider you as actual, deep, complex human-beings who happen to have a darker tone of melanin and who don’t necessarily happily adopt the mainstream, oppressive culture. This is a tragedy. It is played out everyday on the TV. Watch MTV. We will define for you who you are and who you should be, and it will make you frustrated and sad, and make us happy and rich.
These scenarios attest to the bent state of our world and culture. I choose to see these things as ugly, unethical, inhumane things going on in our world. They are especially evil because they are so subtle. But they exist. I see all of this, and I see all of the devastating side effects, and I remember why I need Hope and a promise of some future rescue and redemption.
Do not be blind. Do not believe what you are told about yourself. Let’s start a revolution of pursuing truth. Let’s start a revolution of dignity for all human beings. Let’s start a revolution of treating our selves and our fellow humans how God created us; whole and beautiful. Don’t believe the hype. Be who you are, who you know you are deep inside. Be how you know it is right to be, deep inside. Do not buy into every narrative that is given to you. Dig deep for truth and don’t fall easily for the lies. There is a conspiracy against you.
Throw your fist in the air if you feel the same way… do it… it’s liberating. See?
My mother in law used to work for Clear Channel... I would regularly tell her that she works for Satan himself. Beyond the self image or the etho image at large, mass media controls our tastes in art... take for instance Ashley Simpson. Her first album sold a million copies. Interestingly enough, this directly coincides with her reality show. Her second album... sans reality show, sold like 200,000 copies. Coincidence? I think not.
The crazy thing, I don't even think they're that much in the dark. I think they're pretty much out in the open saying, "You're doing to do what we want you to do and you can't do anything about it."
Great insight. Feel the love.
Yes. So true. I used to be an intern under a Clear Channel radio station. It was fun but I did a lot of work for no money. Ever.
and lets start doing it by tuning into NPR
loved the post singleton. a huge pasadena hug to you my friend. hey i made a post at my class blog, www.harrybtransformsculture.blogspot.com, with a shout out to you and the end of it. check out the book review on the book fences and windows. you will know at the end. rgb, bang on out! peace
revolutionary but gangsta.
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I Ching Banners-- People's Army Bang On OUT.
Congrats. You've found the thing that J-school doesn't teach journalism students...that the media have to make money, too.
Make money I can understand... but doing so ethically would be nice. What bothers me is that journalism originally wasn't about making money. It shouldn't be about making money. It was about disseminating of truth. It was about reporting facts. It became manipulation of the masses for financial gain. I don't blame the humble reporters, because you all don't get paid JACK! But I do blame the moguls... and why not? They are easy enough targets.
I heard someone commenting on journalism in today's world and they said something to the effect of:
Go into any journalism department at any university in America and ask one of the students why they want to be in the profession... most will say, "To change the world!" This is not what journalism is supposed to be.
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