Tuesday, April 18, 2006

PART 2: Clumsily Destructive Mud-People with Hearts of Gold


So it goes, things became overly-complicated and fractured. Choice and Complication went straight to our heads (that bump a few feet above our asses), also originally made from mud, and containing the fleshy, 3 pound ball of meat we call our brains. We Mud-People really like these brains and are fairly proud to have them. The brains control all of our other mud-parts (maybe with the exception of our secret, no-no mud-parts) , and the brain also thinks up a whole bunch of questions and conundrums to keep us thoroughly confused and argumentative.

Starting with the second generation of Mud-People, our primary business became arguing and trying turn each other back into plain-old-mud instead of Mud-People. We didn't completely give up on some of the "good" things, and we tried to love and laugh some as best as we could.

Ed. Note: The Mud-Sumarians, conspiring with the Mud-Egyptians and possibly Mud-Norsemen, used regular earth-stuff to create beer. This helped with the loving and laughing some.

As generations progressed, we got better at laughing and loving, as well as arguing and turning each other back into plain-old-mud. God got frustrated with us and decided to give us a second chance and start from scratch. He picked a particularly love and laughter prone Mud Man named Noah as the clean slate (apparently, Noah was love and laughter prone due at least partially to his consumption of the "fermentation" as previously noted). Shortly after the flooding of the Earth and the survival of Noah and his peeps, Noah flubbed up and over-did the fermentation thing... he was laughing far too much and as his first act as a part of the clean-slate regime he ran around naked, celebrating his no-no mud-parts in front of his friends and family. Great start, great start.

So it goes, we got a little better at loving and laughing and a little better at turning each other back into plain-old-mud (the ongoing discovery of new metals was extremely helpful in the latter process). God picked out some special mud-people as his special, focused project and tried to get them to understand "what it was all about." They got it sometimes and didn't others. They really didn't get the part with slavery and the desert, but they eventually came around when that was all over.

To be continued...


At 8:20 PM, Blogger greenISgood said...

Gosh! I'm loving every joyful moment reading the muddy plot (hehehe, you said "no-no mud parts"). Far and away the most delicious escape and intrigue in my presently too-busy life.

Keep writing. Keep writing and writing......


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