Don't Waste Your Time -or- Dr. Huxtable, Pimp Slaps, Cinematic Parables, Lonely Carrott Sticks, and Why I am Not as Sexy as I Seem
I realize I haven't posted in a while, so in classic, incohesive, just-post-something form, I give you a random smattering of crap just like they do it in the fishwraps...
WEATHER: Waco is Wacko
Dr. Huxtable’s wardrobe would not have made the cut in Texas. For the majority of the year here, we celebrate the season of summer. It’s like the bizarre-o-world version of Narnia down here; always summer but never winter. Every once in a while, the sweltering summer breaks for a bit to allow for some cool winds and cold weather. This is a window of time that I celebrate with the rigorous search for the Cosby Sweater.
Somewhere in my head, I feel like I can pull off the Cosby sweater fashion. I secretly wait for the combination of cold weather and appropriate style opportunity in order to bust it out. The sweaters. Thick ones with stripes. And the Cosby show theme songs repeat in my head. I am happy.
EDUCATION: They Schools
The best part of graduate school is that you have more topical freedom in your studies. Thus far, the bulk of my research the past semester has been on engaging with Hip-Hop and Urban culture in the classroom, and in media literacy curriculum. This means that watching TV and listening to hip-hop counts as research. The best part is that it’s not only enjoyable, but it is interesting and important as well. Why couldn’t all of college be this great?
ENTERTAINMENT: A Series of Images and Sounds With Which to Fill Your Eyes and Ears
Babel: ***
This movie was pretty good, but by no means great. The beginning was a mass of confusion, but it gradually gets cleared up. Some of the storylines don’t seem to have any closure and aren’t resolved or revisited. Brad Pitt does a great job and there are some excellent moments with meaning, like before Pitt boards a hospital helicopter with his critically wounded wife. He offers a Morrocan man who, with the help of his village, has helped him and his wife, a fistful of cash which the Morrocan man declines. Gotta check it out in context.
Stranger Than Fiction: *****
This one was unbelievable and sure to shoot up to one of my favorite flicks of all time. Great acting from Ferrell and Hoffman, and the script is unbelievable. It examines narrative, God, human relationships, and more in a hilarious and deep storyline. The last half of the movie is great. This movie is a parable. And it is funny.
Man of the Year: ****
This one surprised me. Granted, I saw it the night of the elections, but I thought it was hugely relevant. Robin Williams is at his best and much of the script sounds like great Williams’ stand-up with other comedians throwing in some lines in support. Great message about the state of American democracy and politics. I would have voted for Robin Williams in the movie, no doubt. The storyline gets a little wacky, but the commentary on politics and the humor is worth the watch.
The Jerk: *****
Yes, The Jerk. With Steve Martin. An oldy but a goody that should be revisited regularly. I watched it the other night and realized that I still laugh at the same parts like they are new everytime. “This guy hates cans!” And find new things to laugh at; “Random Bastard!”
This is hilarious:
HEALTH: Fat-Free Ranch Dressing?
I have lost 11 pounds in the past few months in preparation for Thanksgiving. If I can shed a few more before the big day, I might be able to stay under 190 for the holidays. Thanks to John Mark for making me feel like it’s okay to drink light beer instead of the thick stuff with cream on top and pieces of sausage in it.
NEWS: Snubbed Again
I didn’t make it, AGAIN!
SPORTS: Pimp Slaps
Bobby Knight popping a kid in the chin is classic. I don’t know why, but I think this time Knight was right.
There are a lot of tall white kids that I think need to be slapped into reality. When Knight retires from coaching, Baylor should hire him as head of student living and learning department. He can walk around campus slapping anyone who looks like they need it.