Friday, May 25, 2007

A Consumer Study -or- Forcing You To Allow Me To View You Through the Tainted Lens of My Personal Worldview, In Ways That I Only Partly Understand

In effort to connect more with anyone who happens upon this blog from time to time, I have created I psychological profiling survey unique to how I understand and interpret the world. You will be asked to respond to each item by “commenting” to this post. The items are a series of metaphor-like statements or ideas for you to construct regarding your life and experiences. These are metaphors that I feel like I can categorize you with and better understand and judge you with. Completing this survey should be a little less than bothersome and a little more interesting than soccer, which probably isn’t saying much. This study is both longitudinal and highly valid. It can be used in court.

Is your life more like…
a) today’s heavyweight boxing bouts
b) mixed martial arts
c) an authentic Native American peace pipe smoking

Which wing sauce do you prefer:
a) mild
b) medium
c) hot
d) honey bar-b-q

If your life had to have a soundtrack, and that soundtrack had to be hip-hop, who would you want to do it:
a) T.I.
b) Mos Def
c) Eminem
d) 50 cent
e) Dead Prez
f) Jay Z
g) Snoop
h) A full orchestra covering 50 cent

Which United States President do you most relate to in your day to day life (personally rather than ideologically):
(choose any U.S. president, I call dibs on the late Gerald R. Ford)

If you had to live one character’s life in one specific t.v. show episode past or present, who would you choose, and what episode would it be?

If you had to live one character’s life in the episode of the Andy Griffith show where Opey kills the mother bird, who would you be:
a) Sheriff Andy Taylor
b) Opey
c) Aunt Bea
d) Barney

What is the last book you read, the last song you listened to, and the last t.v. show you watched?

What do you honestly think Jesus would do?

Thank you for your participation in this survey, hopefully, your responses will help us gear this blog more toward, or extremely against your natural persuasions. Either way, it could make things interesting.